Western Vascular Centre

For Patients

Appointments for all rooms can be made by either calling the main office at Footscray on 93179958 or by clicking here and completing the following form and we will get back to you as soon as possible. 

As this is a specialist practice a doctor’s referral is needed. When attending the Western Vascular Centre, please bring with you

  1. Your doctor’s referral letter
  2. Your Medicare card and any private insurance details.
  3. Any X-rays, ultrasounds or CT scans that you have had recently. This means the actual pictures, NOT simply a report. This is because you would expect your doctor to actually verify that the report is accurate rather than relying on someone else’s opinion.
  4. A list of your current medications. (please do not bring the actual tablets, just supply a list from your chemist, doctor, or hospital).

Fees for consultation and procedures are less than the recommended fees of the Australian Medical Association (AMA) and are available on request from our offices. A discount is offered for payment of the account on the day of consultation. We accept cash, cheque, or electronic payment with either EFTPOS or credit cards (Visa/Mastercard). Diners cards and American Express cards are not accepted. We offer you the choice of a receipt or we can process your Medicare claim on the spot. If we submit your claim directly to Medicare you will receive a Medicare cheque in the mail or if registered with Medicare you will receive a direct credit into your bank account. The Western Vascular Centre strongly recommends that you register your bank account details with Medicare which can be done in a Medicare office or online. For information regarding registering your bank account details with Medicare click here.

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